Chip's Memorial Tribute

2013 March 23

Created by Angelique 11 years ago
Love Leaves a Memory Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us everyday, Unseen, unheard, but always near, For death leaves a heartache No one can heal, And love leaves a memory No one can steal Daves words of wisdom What can I say about a man that lived an amazing life? Chip was unlike anyone else I have ever met in this world. He has helped me grow over these last couple of years and made my life more richer than before. I really had a hard time telling him "No" for whatever it was or reason that I had to. At physical therapy once a gentleman asked me if Chip was my husband...I laughed & said no, but if he would marry me I would. Chip was a man with a really huge heart & love everyone that he met. Everyone always wanted to take him home & always talked about how cute he was. If nothing else he has shown us that no matter what life gives us that we can press onward with no problem. Chip has come thru more obstacles in life than most. Charge forward as if that was nothing, things that would have most people down for months only made him stronger. Even when he didn't feel like doing his exercises or chores he would with a smile that would just make your heart melt. Chip has given everyone in his life one thing that we all have in common & that was his unconditional love for life & for each of us. I will miss holding your hand, your sweet kisses on the lips & the love that you have given me. But most of all I just want to say thank you for blessing my life with your love for me. I'll never forget you & you was the luv of my heart & soul. "But those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run & not grow weary, they will walk & not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)